Monday, December 19, 2011

semester break

I gotta start working on my final year project thesis but I still procrastinating. May be in my mind I always think there is pretty time for me to complete it. yeah I know it. However, if I keep doing this I'm sure that I will regret in the future.Not to call future but very soon I will get myself into hardship. I am undergraduate and currently pursuing my degree in local private university. After this short break I will fight for my very last semester in uni. should I appreciate and really enjoy my uni life? I know I will go through it once in my life and never take two. I hope that I can faster graduate. of course there must be a reason behind it, I want to make sure being exempted from ptptn repayment. the loan cost me a lot and if I get the good result I do not need to clear the debt when I enter work place. anyway all the best to myself I will try my best to get what I wish to obtain and gain. Never ever fail myself. Keep moving!

Friday, December 9, 2011


I feel guilty because I didn't fully utilized my time on my studying. Insteed, I wasted a lot of time in thinking those meaningless matter. I should focus on final and cannot let others small matter to distract my attention. Well it is already midnight and it is time to get into bed. I promise to myself I will really stduy tomorrow, again I'm not going to online tomorrow. Only three days left for me. Must believe that you can do it~ Gambateh~

Monday, December 5, 2011


Already went back after some time. :D
I had a weird feeling and very complicated. I can't bear mum's nagging and I used to stay in a quiet environment.
wondering what will happen after graduation...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The day B4 go back to my hometown

I'm supposed to study for tomorrow's midterm right now. However, I'm not in a studying mood instead, I'm in the mood to go back home. Yeah I know I should get back to reality after all. May be It has been a while for me to stay at kampar at least for this short semester. I refused to go back every week although I have enough time to travel between. Compare to my friend all were rushing up for their fyp, am I consider the lucky one? I don't know because I always worry and struggling in how to start the thesis writing, too many uncertainties in front of me and I used to stay at the same place and refused to move on. This is my weakness and I took too much time in over thinking a small matter. I should get rid of this yet I stayed at the original place now. well stop my nagging and go back to my study. Last revise for tomorrow's midterm.



Tuesday, November 29, 2011


好了,是时候开始振作了!加油 ^___^

Monday, November 28, 2011


窃探 我喜欢知道人的内心世界
有时候 我在想 这是否算是一种病态
有时候 知道了 反而觉得距离远了
没有得到的 总是以为是最好的
得到了 却发觉没想像中来的好
这 矛盾的心态 你我皆有
算了 做了那么多无用的东西

时间不等人 :D 现在是凌晨215am

Thursday, November 24, 2011



Tuesday, November 22, 2011


爱上电台 喜欢忧伤的音乐
勾起了我的回忆 让我感同身受的音符
抚平了心里的痛 告诉自己要加油
路还很长 要继续大步地跨出去

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I just finished watching one movie, it is really impressive. The plot in the movie attracted me and I get myself totally trapped in the movie. After watching I got such a weird feeling, is the existence of another world other than the current world I am stay now. No one know this and we still struggling in living in this competitive yet tension society. 
Okay have to continue move on..

Saturday, November 12, 2011



Saturday, November 5, 2011

5/ 11/ 2011

Addicted? I know that taking drug will be addicted, like whatever that is stand for entertainment will get people being addicted and can't let it go. This semester I have quite a lot of time to study but I still do procrastinating. I used to do last minute work =.= how come?
I know what should I do but I'm so lazy to get it start, keep finding excuse to avoid myself into the real world. Knowing that this is no good but I still do this. Keep doing something that is meaningless and even has damaging effect, it slowly contaminate your mindset and make you totally drown in this thing. I know I should get rid of this as quickly as possible.
Please give me some determination to get things done.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

29 oct 2011

好了,决定了,明天我要充分利用时间来念书 :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

28 oct 2011


Okay, that’s all for the Chinese version diary. Although my mandarin is not that good compare to what I did during secondary school but I believe that my English language level still left a big gap behind mandarin, what do you think? XD
I felt so imbalance when chatting with my friend. Seriously, is this called jealous? Yes I think it is. I knew myself well and I can’t accept the truth when somebody walks across me in many situations, which means I don’t want to lose. Lose in the first step means you already lost the first opportunity. The only thing you can do is not sit there and blame and point you finger to others but have to stand up and walk toward your goal. Must believe in one thing:
Nothing is impossible!

Friday, October 21, 2011



Thursday, October 13, 2011


A tiring day  (O)__(O)
nothing left to say, I am just too care.
Should not so care about those things that are no important.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I feel lost. Early morning I had this kind of feeling, in other word, this is not the first time. There are too many uncertainties in front of me, I am kind of people who don't like to take risk. I try to avoid risky work and I try to make sure everything works according to my plan. Why I have no enough braveness to get things done? Although I knew my own shortcoming yet I refused to change. Sigh!